Eclectus Parrot Breeder with Best Reputation

Well its time to share with you some of the gorgeous photos we have of our babies in there new homes. We have literally thousands of pictures of our kids posted by their devoted and proud owners on our forum but here is a little bit of an insight into what its like to be owned by a Parrot Haven Eclectus !


Meet gorgeous Tilly who is absolutely adored by her Mum Amanda and her Dad Josh.


Josh with sweet Tilly. A perfect example of a Parrot Haven Eclectus baby


More snuggle time with Mumma
Snuggle time with Mumma Amanda

Here at Parrot Haven we pride ourselves on raising the most confident, healthy and happy companion Eclectus possible. We have been breeding Eclectus for over a decade and have carefully chosen our eccy pairs for their personality and temperament which is passed on to their babies. We take great pride and care in matching each of our babies with their perfect owners getting to know our clients before we choose their perfect feathered kid.

Take a look at our forum to see more photos of our Parrot Haven babies and learn what it is like to share your lives with these amazing parrots.


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